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YWSF excited to announce our partnership with a diverse range of stakeholders, including government agencies and both private and public organizations. We are particularly thrilled to collaborate with Shifting Mosaics, a leading prescribed burn organization on the West Coast. Together, we are taking significant steps to initiate a burn program in the Yukon, aimed at enhancing our environmental conservation efforts for wild sheep. Stay tuned as we continue to work through these project details for an exciting update.

Geographical Area

The better a wild sheep can see, the more efficiently and safely they can forage, and the further they can feed away from escape terrain.


​Prescribed burning is a valuable management tool to improve habitat while also enhancing visibility for wild sheep.

Better Food

Prescribed burning is a powerful management tool for enhancing wildlife habitat. It benefits wild sheep by increasing the nutritional value of vegetation and opening cover for safe travel in predator-rich areas.


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